Meet Machete
kia ora, bienvenido, welcome
from your hosts, los hermanos machete
Machete Coffee was conceived on the streets of New York City, nurtured under the fiery volcanos of Antigua Guatemala, and finds a place to stand in Wellington NZ. Origin is important to us, people matter, great coffee makes us happy. We are a Kiwi-Guatemalan team, bringing you specialty grade coffee, beautiful preparations, central american flavours, kiwi nostalgia and colour. Join us.

paul day
el jefe
Kiwi via New York & Antigua Guatemala, caught coffee & hospitality bug, left corporate finance life behind, kept cocktail geekery & professional pontificating. Stoked to be home.

cesar cua
el jefe
Guatemalan via New York, passion for coffee production, earthy entoxicating flavours of the Americas, grounded hospitality. Dr Ropata, never heard of him.

Born in the "US of A", family from Madagascar, Superhero of Aotearoa. Charm and charisma the two jefes (bosses) lack, always have nose to the grind(s).